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International Exchange Event Commemorating the 35th Anniversary of the CRC


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Did you know? This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the 35th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)! It has also been 10 years since the CRC was implemented in Taiwan.


Over the past decade, to ensure the rights of children and youth in Taiwan to express their opinions and be heard, mechanisms for the participation and selection of child representatives have been established from local governments to central administrative bodies. These mechanisms provide channels for children and youth to express policy recommendations, and they have actively voiced their concerns at various stages of the CRC international review process.


To further promote the implementation of children's rights in Taiwan, the National Human Rights Commission is organizing the "International Symposium on Children's Rights Monitoring and Youth Participation" on August 20-21. Representatives from Ireland, Scotland, and Australia have been invited to Taiwan to engage in cross-cultural exchanges with Taiwanese youth.

Through this symposium, we hope to enhance Taiwan's understanding of international standards and trends in the implementation of children's rights, and to further improve and perfect the execution of related domestic policies, thereby deepening the development of children's rights in Taiwan.


08/20(Tue. )-8/21(Wed.)


Meet the Speakers

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